A classic, simple beef stew recipe that my grandmother developed and that is now being enjoyed by a fourth generation in my family. Delicious with salad...
My Dad took the veggies I had brought him from a friend's garden and just invented this one morning. His original recipe used Boca® crumbles. I like to...
This is a Greek beef stew made with small onions. This is my mom's recipe, and every Fall without fail you could smell it simmering in the kitchen. Serve...
A hearty beef and vegetable stew with a little spice that is quick to prepare. You can cook the whole thing in one hour, or let it simmer in the slow cooker...
This is an easy and authentic version of Korean tofu stew. I used to eat this every day at a very popular restaurant. I befriended a woman who worked there...
This is a Greek beef stew made with small onions. This is my mom's recipe, and every Fall without fail you could smell it simmering in the kitchen. Serve...
My grandmother used to make this for my grandfathers lunch when he worked outside for the railroad. She put it in his thermos, and always called it thermos...
Here's a taste of Switzerland. This robust beef stew, from the mountainous Grison region, is perfect to keep out winter chills and to satisfy even the...
Tomato stew with hamburger, carrots, potatoes, and green beans. Try adding a variety of veggies, fresh or frozen. I find it easy to keep pre-cooked ground...
Definitely different ingredients of bacon, black olives, small white onions, mushrooms, garlic, thyme, orange peel, red wine and green peas give this stew...
I experimented with the ingredients that I had in an attempt to make a stew that resembled the lamb and plum stew from 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins....
This basic recipe uses simple and often used ingredients. It can be spiced up any way, but our spices we have found bring out the best flavor and they...
This is a traditional German Stew served for Halloween. Its hearty flavors go perfect with the chilly nights of the harvest festival. Serve the stew in...
This basic recipe uses simple and often used ingredients. It can be spiced up any way, but our spices we have found bring out the best flavor and they...
This basic recipe uses simple and often used ingredients. It can be spiced up any way, but our spices we have found bring out the best flavor and they...
This basic recipe uses simple and often used ingredients. It can be spiced up any way, but our spices we have found bring out the best flavor and they...
This 'set it and forget it' recipe is always a big hit at my house. The diced tomatoes and green chilies, fresh basil, fresh mushrooms, and Merlot make...
This is a traditional German Stew served for Halloween. Its hearty flavors go perfect with the chilly nights of the harvest festival. Serve the stew in...
My grandmother used to make this for my grandfathers lunch when he worked outside for the railroad. She put it in his thermos, and always called it thermos...
Tomato stew with hamburger, carrots, potatoes, and green beans. Try adding a variety of veggies, fresh or frozen. I find it easy to keep pre-cooked ground...
Tomato stew with hamburger, carrots, potatoes, and green beans. Try adding a variety of veggies, fresh or frozen. I find it easy to keep pre-cooked ground...
Tomato stew with hamburger, carrots, potatoes, and green beans. Try adding a variety of veggies, fresh or frozen. I find it easy to keep pre-cooked ground...
This 'set it and forget it' recipe is always a big hit at my house. The diced tomatoes and green chilies, fresh basil, fresh mushrooms, and Merlot make...
This 'set it and forget it' recipe is always a big hit at my house. The diced tomatoes and green chilies, fresh basil, fresh mushrooms, and Merlot make...
Definitely different ingredients of bacon, black olives, small white onions, mushrooms, garlic, thyme, orange peel, red wine and green peas give this stew...
This is Persian green stew. I titled this 'Not Quite Ghormeh Sabzi' because I'm not quite Persian, but I grew up with a Persian step-father who would cook...
This is a yummy stew . . . you can omit the veggies, and just put it over rice or bread. It is a snap to make, and very versatile! You can use different...